The Farmer's Old Bicycles
1956 Monark Silver King Coronet with Darb 'Holiday' bicycle radio, as featured on the cover of the February 1956 issue of Radio-Electronics magazine.
The Darb 'Holiday' was a four tube radio manufactured in the Minneapolis area. The radio unit has clips to secure it to either bicycle handlebar clamps or directly to the power unit. Different power units were available, that either plug into 120-volt household outlets, or that contained batteries. For bicycle use, a 67-volt battery and two 1-1/2-volt D-cells are used, and the power unit is clipped to a special bracket mounted to the rear luggage rack. There is a power cable connecting the luggage rack bracket to the handlbar bracket. A switch on the radio selects one of three pre-set AM stations.
I now have a deluxe seat with chrome springs, as shown on the magazine cover, and will upgrade the bike with it.
I also have a correct headlight that matches the magazine cover but need to paint it before putting it on the bike.

On display at the Pavek Museum of Broadcasting in St. Louis Park, Minnesota
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