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Pavek Window

This is part of my Midwest radio collection while it was on display at the Pavek Museum of Broadcasting in St. Louis Park Minnesota. The museum has this storefront window, dedicated to Twin Cities oldtimer Forrest Reine, where items from local collections can be displayed.

The left console is a 1936 Midwest Royale with 24 tubes. The other console is a 1934 16 tube Midwest with a phonograph under the lid. Between them is an early MIRACO two tube radio and there is a one tube MIRACO to the lower left. The globe has a MIDWEST RADIO decal on the base.

Midwest Radio Corporation had a long and interesting history, beginning in 1920 and lasting until bankruptcy in 1957. During this time, they built a full line of radios and eventually televisions, selling entirely through mail-order. I advertised heavily to buy any Midwest products for a number of years, but they didn't surface often. Also, most that are found today are in poor condition since the cabinets were cheaply constructed.

I'm still looking for some of the very early battery sets, the large consoles with 18 or more tubes, and any Midwest in exceptionally nice condition.
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The Farmers

Last Updated: Saturday, 03-Nov-2018 22:39:15 CDT
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